Recent News

ICIDS 2022 - International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling

December 4th-7th - Santa Cruz, CA where I presented my paper "Planner Systems for Historical Justice?". You can read it in the proceedings here.

Recitation and the Politics of Listening Presentation

November 3rd - Slought, Philadelpia. Link to Event Details.

"Software and Historical Justice" Presentation

I recently visited my alma mater, the Visual Arts Department at UCSD at the invitation of Professor Brett Stalbaum. I thoroughly enjoyed the visit and gave a presentation titled "Software and Historical Justice"

"Space & Place II" Panel

I was honored to be part of the panel Space & Place II: Visualizations & Digital Storytelling as part of the series titled Digital Forays in Middle Eastern Studies: Changing Practices & Pedagogy organized by Dr. Jared McCormick at the NYU Kevorkian Center. Fellow panelists were Ahmad Gharbieh and Ahmad Barclay, and Hatim Hibri served as discussant.

Link to NYU Kevorkian Center

Vera List Center Panel Organizer

I was excited to organize a panel titled "Reimagining Protocols: Reclaiming, Challenging, and Queering Surveillance" at the Vera List Center with the amazing American Artist, Shaka Mcglotten, Margaret Laurena Kemp, and Abram Stern (aphid). Many thanks to VLC Senior Director and Chief Curator Carin Kuoni and Curator Eriola Pira.

Link to VLC Event Page